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Гранти Програми ЄС «Креативна Європа» на підтримку європейської співпраці

Європейська Комісія надає фінансову підтримку проектам, спрямованим на розвиток європейської співпраці. Пріоритетними напрямками співробітництва організацій-партнерів є: міжнаціональна мобільність, доступ та інклюзивність культури, розбудова спроможностей (використання цифрових технологій, нові бізнес моделі, освіта та тренінгова діяльність).

Останній день подання - 23 листопада 2016 року (далі - англ.).


Transnational mobility

  • capacity building for cultural operators involved in the project to work transnationally and internationally
  • creation, production
  • improving professional skills, peer learning, education/training
  • career opportunities for artists and professionals to work transnationally and internationally
  • accessing new markets
  • creating network possibilities, building partnerships and contacts
  • reaching new and wider audiences
  • triggering intercultural and interfaith dialogue, respect for diverse cultures and cultural expressions, and facilitating the integration of refugees

Audience development (to stimulate interest in, and improve access to, European audio-visual works, in particular through promotion, events, film literacy and festivals)

  • projects focusing on creating audience development skills for cultural operators/artists as one of their main goals
  • projects involving co-creations, co-productions, touring, etc. having a clear strategy for audience development to accompany the project, so that they do not focus solely on the “supply side” but also on the “demand side”, ensuring that the activities have the largest possible impact
  • requiring that projects involving residences or exchange schemes for artists seek to interact with local communities and audiences, rather than confining their mobility experience to their immediate peers

Capacity building

  • Digitisation
  • New business models
  • Training and education

Eligible countries

Applications from legal entities established in one of the following country categories are eligible as long as all conditions referred to in Article 8 of Regulation are met and the Commission has entered into negotiations with the country:

1. EU Member States and overseas countries and territories which are eligible to participate in the Programme pursuant to Article 58 of Council Decision 2001/822/EC2

The Creative Europe programme is open to cultural and creative organisations from EU Member States, as well as non-EU Member States, including Ukraine: Besides Norway and Iceland, the following countries are also eligible, having concluded agreements with the European Commission.

2. Acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective Framework Agreements, Association Council Decisions or similar agreements;

3. EFTA countries which are parties to the Agreement on the EEA, in accordance with the provisions of the EEA Agreement;

4. The Swiss Confederation, on the basis of a bilateral agreement to be concluded with that country;

5. Countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy in accordance with the procedures defined with those countries following the framework agreements providing for their participation in EU programmes. The Agency may select proposals from applicants from non EU countries provided that, on the date of the award decision, agreements have been signed setting out the arrangements for the participation of those countries in the Programme established by the Regulation referred to above.

Eligible applicants

  • The schemes are open to European cultural and creative operators which are active in the cultural and creative sectors as defined in article 2 of the Regulation who are legally established in one of the countries participating in the Culture Sub-programme.
  • The schemes are open to cultural operators which have had a legal personality for at least 2 years on the date of the deadline for submission of applications and which are able to demonstrate their existence as a legal person. Natural persons may not apply for a grant. 

Eligible projects:

Depending on the scale, needs, nature, objectives and priorities of the project, the applicant will have to choose to apply under either category 1 – Smaller scale cooperation projects or under category 2 – Larger scale cooperation projects.

The project leader can apply only once a year under either category 1 or under category 2. An applicant applying as project leader under either category 1 or category 2 can be a partner in several other projects presented by another project leader under either category 1 or category 2.

Category 1 – Smaller scale cooperation projects

This category includes projects that:

  • shall involve a project leader and at least two other partners having their legal seat in at least three different countries taking part in the Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme. Either the project leader or one of the partners must have their legal seat in one of the countries referred to in categories 1, 3 or 4 of the eligible countries.
  • are the subject of an application requesting a EU grant of no more than EUR 200 000 representing maximum 60% of the eligible budget.

In case of selection, the project leader of a category 1 project may submit an application for a new category 1 or category 2 project under subsequent calls.

Category 2 –Larger scale cooperation projects

This category includes projects that:

  • shall involve a project leader and at least five other partners having their legal seat in at least six different countries taking part in the Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme. Either the project leader or one of the partners must have their legal seat in one of the countries referred to in categories 1, 3 or 4 of the eligible countries.
  • are the subject of an application requesting a EU grant of no more than EUR 2 000 000 representing maximum 50% of the eligible budget.

In case of selection, the project leader of a category 2 project will not be eligible to submit other applications under category 2 as long as the project is on-going. This means that a project leader of an on-going category 2 project is not eligible to be the project leader of another category 2 project unless the eligibility period of the selected cooperation project is over when the eligibility period of the category 2 project for which they apply as project leader begins. Project leaders of an on-going category 2 project may, however, submit an application for a new category 1 project under subsequent calls.

For both categories of projects, the maximum duration (eligibility period) is 48 months.

For both categories, the project must be based on a cooperation agreement concluded between the project leader and the partners. 

Available budget

The total available budget for the co-financing of projects under this scheme is estimated at 70 % of the total budget for Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme (i.e. EUR 454,8 million) which amounts to around EUR 318 million over the period 2014-2020. This budget is subject to the availability of the funds after the adoption of the budget for 2017 by the budgetary authority. 

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted online via given address.

The guidelines for call for proposals EACEA/45/2016 explain how to submit a proposal.

Guide for applicants

Deadline for submission of European cooperation projects: 23 November 2016, before 12:00 CET/CEST (Midday, Brussels time)

If the deadline for submission falls on a public holiday in the applicant's country, no extension will be granted. Applicants must take this into account when planning their submission.

More details, eforms and annexes are here



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