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Civil society hackathon: громадські активісти позмагаються за €10 тис на розробку продукту

2020 EaP Civil Society Hackathon - це четвертий хакатон, який збере близько 60 активістів громадянського суспільства, ІТ-професіоналів і веб-дизайнерів з шести країн Східного партнерства - Вірменії, Азербайджану, Білорусі, Грузії, Молдови та України. Найкраща ідея отримає 10 тисяч євро на реалізацію. Дедлайн - 17 лютого 2020 року.

e 2020 EaP Civil Society Hackathon is the fourth hackathon in a series of annual events. It will bring together about 60 civil society activists, tech professionals and graphic designers from six EaP countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – to Kyiv, Ukraine on 3-5 April 2020, to work face-to-face on software projects that would enable civil society better to contribute to reforms and democratic changes in their home countries. Hackathon participants will get support and advice from a multidisciplinary team of guest speakers and mentors, with proven experience in civic tech initiatives, IT start-ups and consulting companies.

2020 Regional Ideathon will help prepare the hackathon in April. The ideathon, which will be held in Chisinau on 13-14 March, is meant to ensure that those ideas which are brought to the hackathon are feasible and sufficiently developed.

REGISTRATION FOR 2020 HACKATHON IS OPEN NOW! Check all details on the Hackathon Website.

Here are the key deadlines for you:

  • If you are a civil society activist with an idea for a digital solution, please apply here before 17 February 2020!
  • If you are a tech professional or a graphic or web designer, please apply here before 16 March 2020!




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