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Дітей, постраждалих внаслідок війни, реабілітують наукою

Близько двох сотен дітей з Донбасу, що проходять психологічну реабілітацію в таборі «Лісова застава», стали учасниками неймовірних наукових шоу. 13 серпня 2016 року понад 180 дітей, що постраждали від бойових дій, взяли участь в унікальному соціальному проекті «Наука їде до дітей» (далі - англ.).

Around two hundred children from Donbass who undergo psychological rehabilitation in camp “Lisova Zastava” became participants of spectacular science shows. On August 13th 2016 over 180 kids that were affected by hostilities took part in unique social project “Science goes to children”.

Science festival for kids was provided by Charity foundation “Help Young” and supported by the Dutch charitable organization Alert Fund for Youth Activities. Boys and girls with uneasy fate for a few hours entered an unforgettable world of research and discoveries. Not only had they seen a dry ice smoke bomb and a flaming hand with their own eyes, but also participated in real physics and chemistry experiments!

“I would’ve never thought that chemistry could be that interesting”, - Olya, a 14-year-old girl from Donetsk region, shared her impressions, - “When a liquid changed its color when I breathed on it, I almost felt like a wizard!”

Anton, a 13-year-old boy from Lugansk region, admitted: “At times of something interesting and unusual like today’s show I think life is really wonderful. I even forget that I’m not home and why did that happen.” 

In order to keep children’s interest in experimenting for a while organizers provided camp with incredible 3D-puzzles. “Perhaps some of the children now know for sure that they want to become a scientist, dedicate their lives to the advancement of science and technology, make the world and people’s lives in it better this way”, - CEO of the “Help Young” foundation Rustam Beknazarov noted, - “In any case we believe that shows like this give usefulness and joy to kids and we should do this more often. For two years our foundation provides these science festivals for orphans and displaced children. We see genuine interest in children’s eyes and that gives us strength to look for possibilities to develop this project.”

Find more details on the project “Science goes to children” and support it by this link:


  • Благодійний фонд «Helpyoung»
  • [email protected]


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